Flash-sale from €99PPS - includes overnight stay, Breakfast, Dinner & Thermal Suite x 2 Adults

  • Breakfast Included


* One Nights Bed & Breakfast for 2 Adults
* Two Course Dinner
* 60 Minute Thermal Suite Experience
* Rooftop Garden Hot Tubs.
*Only available on selected dates
Booking a Spa package does not automatically guarantee an appointment. Guests must contact the Spa directly to book thermal suite or treatments. Treatments must be used on the day of your check-in on all one night stays. We advise you to do this at time of booking to secure your preferred date and time. The hotel and Spa take no responsibility for package where treatments have not been pre booked.

Available on Selected dates only
Further T&Cs Apply



Ballyliffin House & Spa,
1 St James Ct,
Co. Donegal,
F93 WN93


074 937 8300




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074 937 8300

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